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    • English

Ruenruethai Rodsuwan

NAME   : Ruenruethai Rodsuwan

Position. •          Instructor at Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala university of technology srivijaya.

Course              : Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Visual Art

TEL             : 084-8379838

 EMAIL         : rrodsuwan@gmail.com


  • Bachelor of Fine Arts (Art Theory) / B.F.A. (Art Theory)
  • Master of Education Program in Art Education / M.Ed. (Art Education)
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Cultural Studies) / Ph.D. (Cultural Studies)


  • Art
  • Fine Art Articles

Teaching Experience

  • History of Eastern Art (2012-2013)
  • History of Western Art (2013/2018)
  • Principles of Art Resesearch (2012-2013/2018)
  • Seminar in Painting (2012-2013)
  • Painting 5 (2013)
  • Painting 6 (2012-2013)
  • Painting 7 (2012-2013/2018)
  • Art Thesis (2012-2013/2018)
  • Experimental Art (2013)
  • Thai Art 1 (2018)
  • Introduction to Art (2013)
  • History of Fashion History (2013)

Research Interests

  • Tales from the picture


  • Writer
  • Instructor at Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala university of technology srivijaya.
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