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Tachaya Sangkakool

NAME   : Tachaya Sangkakool
Position.. Lecturer

Academic Positions..-

Course              : ARCHITECTURE

TEL             : +668 1598 1090 

 EMAIL         : unchana_s@yahoo.com


  • Study in, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Program, Faculty of Environmental Management, Prince of Songkhla University, Haddyai,
  • Teach  in,  Bachelor of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of technology Srivijaya, Muang District, Songkhla 90000 Tel: +667 431 7173  Fax: +667 431 7174  Email: unchana_s@yahoo.com
  • Architect, The Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage


2006-2008 Architect: Leelavadee Resort and Spa, Point Studio: Phuket Thailand

  • Project Manager,  Architect, Leelavadee Resort and Spa, Phuket Thailand
  • Architect, Point Studio, Phuket Thailand

Publication in International Peer-Reviewed Journal

  • Publication in Energy Journal (Thailand)

The Impact of Exterior Wall Mass and Orientation on Eenrgy Saving and Thermal Comfort for Resideatial in Hot-Humid Climate. Scientific Research Journal 2010;5

Teaching Experience

  • Lecturing B.Arch. Environment Control in Building,  Energy Conservation in Building  Design, Architectural Design 1, Architectural Design3, Architectural Design3, Construction Technology1 and Architectural Thesis
  • Develop the graduates course of Architectural, Faculty of Architecture, Rajamangala University of technology
  • Architect, The Association of Siamese Architects Under Royal Patronage

Research Interests

-green roof by using plant with zero maintenance (Spanish mosses)

Research or Invention

  • Environmental Benefits of Air Plant Green Roofs in Hot and Humid Climate, Environmental and Civil Engineering Technology (ENVICET 2016), Malaysia on Oct 4 6, 2016)
  • The Energy Efficiency on Air-Plant Green Roof  for Residential Buildings  in Tropical Climate, The New Zealand Academy of Applied Research Limited (NZAAR)


  • The Impact of Exterior Wall Mass and Orientation on Energy Saving and Thermal Comfort for Resideatial in Hot-Humid Climate. Scientific Research Journal 2010;5
  • Environmental Benefits of Air Plant Green Roofs in Hot and Humid Climate, ADVANCED SCIENCE LETTERS ISSN: 1936-6612 (Print): EISSN: 1936-7317 (Online) Copyright © 2000-2016 American Scientific Publishers, SCOPUS Indexed (Q3/Q4 Journal Rank by SCIMAGOR)
  • Life cycle cost of air plant green roofs in hot and humid climate, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 2016 (IJABER) 
  • Green roofs in cities with temperate climate – analysis of decision factors, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening (UFUG)


2011                 World Heritage, Nepal

2011                 Architecture and Green City, Malasia

2011                 Green Architecture, Urban Planning and design of vertical Building, Singapore

2011                 Sustainable development of the city, Lao

2012                 Green Architecture, Technology in Building, Architectural design of Tadao Ando, Japan

2013                 Green Study Mission, Sri lanka

2013                 History Architecture, Turkey

2015                 History Architecture and Greeninfrastructure in Europe (Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia and Slovakia)

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